Monday 5 January 2015

Artist Research- Roslaw Szaybo

Roslaw Szaybo

Szaybo was born in Poland in August 1933. He is a Polish painter, illustrator and cover designer.
He graduated in 1961 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, and was mentored by Wojciech Fangor and Henryk Tomaszewski.
In 1966 he moved to United Kingdom where he worked as an independent designer. Between 1968 and 1972 worked as an art director for the advertising company Young & Rubicam.
From 1972 to 1988 he was named the chief  artistic director of cbs records. During these years he designed over 2000 album covers, mostly for classical music, aswell as some major big names such as  
-Elton John
Roy Orbison
-Janis Joplin
-The Clash
-John Williams

Arguably Roslaws most known piece he created would be the album cover work for Judas Priests- Brittish Steel, Roslaw also created the official logo used by the band.

This image by Roslaw is one of my favourites its a cover poster he created for Rosemary's Baby a movie from 1968. I love the colours used and the emotion shown on the snakes face.

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