Monday 12 January 2015

Artist Research - Gesine Marwedel

Gensine Marwedel

Gensine Marwedel is a German body painter, I could not find very much information about her, but what I did find was in German, I have tried to translate it as best I could.

Gensine was born in Eckernforde but grew up in Dortmund Germany. She graduated in 2005 and moved to India where she volunteered in a children's home. 
From 2005- 2008 she studied Rehabilitation Education at the University of Dortmund.
During her studies she spent several months in India, where she worked in a children's home with handicapped and autistic children.
She also backpacked across the country with henna art.
Since 2009 she has worked as a therapist in Dortmund. 
''As an artist I was used to painting, wall painting and henna but today I mostly focus mostly on the area of body painting, I am entered in international competitions and events I work for companies and paint for events film and television as well as for private clients. The joy of painting and the work with people for me is always first.

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